Thank You Cards – When To Send & What To Write

Reasons to Use a Thank You Card
There are many times in life when you will need to thank someone and a good way of doing this is by sending a thank you card. Here are just some occasions when you can send a thank you greeting card:
Wedding and Bridal Thank You Cards
Express your appreciation to your bridal party, parents, wedding planner and other wedding service providers who assisted you with your wedding day preparations. You need to send thank you cards to everyone who sent you a gift.
Baby Thank You Cards
Send out thank you cards to thank your baby shower host and guests for their gifts and kindness. Thank people for attending a Christening or Baptism and write a thank you to anyone who sent or gave you a gift for your baby.
Thank You for a Birthday Gift
If you receive a gift from someone in the mail for your birthday then it is a nice gesture to send a thank you card and tell them how much you appreciate it.
Thank You for Assistance or Services
You can send someone a note or a card to thank them for services they provided such as house minding or pet sitting or it could be baby sitting or maybe just helping you out.
Thank You for Hospitality
If you stayed with someone as a guest in their home during a trip then you should thank the hosts for their hospitality and kindness.
Thank You for Dinner Party
Say thank you to the host and hostess for a dinner party that you attended.
Sympathy Thank You cards
Write a thank you note to anyone who sent flowers or a sympathy card.
There are many other reasons to say thank you to someone. Not all thank you messages will be the same because of the many different situations but here are some things to keep in mind when writing in your thank you card:
5 Tips on Writing your Thank You Message
- Don’t delay sending your card and do it as soon as possible after the event.
- Hand write your thank you message.
- Make sure that what you write sounds sincere and appreciative.
- Your message does not need to be long.
- If you are stuck for words then simply think about what it is you are thanking the person for and mention an aspect of the gift or the gesture and maybe tell them how much pleasure it has given you.